Début de la nouvelle visite guidée de Valencia Essentielle et de ses Patrimoines de l’Humanité avec des dates programmées tous les vendredis à 11:00h en français. Dans les mois d’été […]
valencian community
Visit to a Surprise Winery with wine tasting
An ideal excursion to enjoy and let you surprise! With the arrival of good weather and the reduction of restrictive measures by the COVID, we inform you of our exclusive […]
Turiart is committed to post-Covid19 safety
From Turiart we want to thank, first of all, the commitment and civic responsibility carried out during the Alarm State since March 2020. In order to continue offering services, cultural […]
TURIART continues to expand its offer with guided tours of the exhibition “Berlanguiano. Luis García Berlanga (1921-2021)" in Bombas Gens
Valencia, February 2022.- On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Berlanga, they presented the exhibition “Berlanguiano. Luis García Berlanga (1921-2021)”. This exhibition is a tribute to the […]

Tu guía profesional por la Comunidad Valenciana
Calle del Editor Cabrerizo, 3 - Bajo Izq. 46001 Valencia (España) (+34) 96 352 07 72 | +34 657 047 739 | info@turiart.com
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