Virtual Guided Tour: The Borgia family in Valencia


Discover from your home in depth all the details of this family saga, and the “black legend” that surrounds some of its members…, as well as the amazing cultural and artistic legacy they left in some cities as Valencia or Gandía.

Fechas: You can also book a private tour for the day and time you prefer.

Idiomas: Spanish | Valencian | Italian | English


  • At the moment we do not have scheduled dates, but you can book a private tour for the day and time you prefer.


Discover with this virtual tour the history of the Borja family, a family from Aragon.
They participated in the Reconquest of Valencia, and they settled in the city of Gandía. The Borja accumulated great wealth and power, and climbed positions on the social scale, to the point that two of their members came to occupy the papacy such as Calixtus III and Alexander VI.
You will discover how this concentration of power aroused the spite and the envy in Rome, so a "black legend" soon spread around the Borja family (or Borgia as they were known in Italy), and the sons of Alexander VI, especially around Lucretia and César Borja.
Do not miss the fundamental role of two brave women, Lucretia de Borja and María Enríquez, brilliant rulers and diplomats, who took on a cultural and social reorganization at all levels, at a time where the male figure was the protagonist.
You will also know the history of Saint Francis of Borja, who as a Jesuit was at the head of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Valencia. Hence the motto of: "Two popes and a saint".
Throughout this virtual tour, you can see how all the power and wealth of the Borja family has been reflected in the great artistic and cultural heritage of the city of Valencia.
Let yourself be surprised by the great heritage legacy of the Borja family in Valencia, and discover the Golden Age of the city of Valencia in all its splendor.



This virtual tour has the collaboration of the Patronat Provincial de Turisme de València.


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You can also book a private tour for the day and time you prefer.


To consult according to the day.


90 - 120 minutes


Spanish | Valencian | Italian | English


Adulto: 10€ (visita regular) Grupo: 120€ (tour privado)


Access to the meeting 15 minutes before from the link that will be sent electronically.
Turiart reserves the right to cancel the visit in case of NOT covering a minimum of places.

Tu guía profesional por la Comunidad Valenciana

Calle del Editor Cabrerizo, 3 - Bajo Izq. 46001 Valencia (España) (+34) 96 352 07 72 | +34 657 047 739 |

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